Mom and Dad took me to my 2nd meetup on Saturday!

There were lots of others just like me. It was like looking in the mirror!

Mom and Dad kept losing track of me. They said I blended in! Nothing but black and white streaks running everywhere!

This little guy wasn't like the rest of us, but he sure was funny! He really has a big head! Look at it!

I had a big time with all my buddies!

All I wanted was for someone to chase me around! I wasn't interested in the gang activity! Notice I'm running away here...

This is my kinda playing...

Here I am waiting to find my next playmate! Notice my lip is a little beat up already! I had an altercation with someone...

These guys were relentless over that toy...

Silly Bostons!

This is Sophie. She was a little grouchy, so we only said a brief "hello."

And, here's my favorite buddy, Dozer! We had a blast playing after everyone left!

I was so dirty that my parents had to hose me off before we left. We played for over an hour! I was beat! I can't wait until next month!
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