After we picked up our bike we grabbed a bite to eat at the Anna Maria General Store with my parents!

It's a cute little place with lots of goodies!

We have soooooo much fun riding around and stopping in the shops! It's just so much fun to be together! All of the bikes have a parrot horn!

I bought a turtle for my bike! I can't wait to use it on the trail!
After a quick bite we headed to our favorite spot (notice my concentration)...the point!

The point was gorgeous! It's where the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay meet!

Immediately we started shelling!

Dynamo is such a good sport helping me to hunt for shells! Like I need more huh?
We found lots of sand dollars! Little ones!

It was like we were meant to find them! My most favorite shell of all and we must have found almost 20 of them. They were all officially dead (white) so don't worry!
We walked and walked and found some cool sand sculptures like this turtle...

And, an alligator!

People are very creative!

Another self portrait!

On our way back to the bikes we noticed a Great Blue Heron! He was very interested in being photographed!

And, off on our bikes for more adventures... (Dynamo took these pics while driving the bike)

We ended our day at the waterfront near the pier!

Back at Beach Bums we waited for our ride...

We had a comfortable seat while we waited!

Notice we were hitchhiking!

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