Thursday, September 25, 2014

Charlie's waterworld

To say that Charlie is a waterdog is an understatement. Now he likes to chase the water when you spray the hose in the air (his Grandpa taught him this). Here's some in action shots...

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (86)

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (96)

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (110)

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (115)

I get tired of holding the hose before he gets tired of catching the water!

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (106)

I love his ears in this one...

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (77)

Silly happy boy!

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (116)

Charlie Playtime 9.20 (69)

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