Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A "Honey Do List" Project

Even though Dynamo is out for a short while when it comes to serious mountain biking, he's still pretty able to achieve other honey do tasks! Although...he shouldn't overdo it! One of the first items on the list was to PLEASE make me a soap mold. Yes, you heard it...a soap mold. A while back I tried homemade soap making, but wasn't too successful, but recently before the "soap lady" from the farmers' market left to move to Iowa, I asked for a lesson. So, one night in late July I went over to her lovely home with my arms full of olive oil for my lesson. I came home with 5 pounds of soap, supplies, and new plans. Sometimes I get too excited and have too many projects going. But, Dynamo takes it all in stride and supports me in all my efforts.

So, here's the lovely mold handmade by Dynamo.

Soap Mold_0003

Did you know these things cost upwards of $50 if you buy them from the suppliers? Mine is better than any bought mold! And, it's special because he made it for me. I treasure ALL the wonderful things he has made. Dynamo can make anything. He can do anything. I'm so lucky to have a hubby that is so talented. And, everything he does is done to perfection! Did I ever tell you about the fantastic book shelf/cabinet he made me for my craft room? Well, I'll have to share that pic soon too!

Oh, back to the mold...He even made it so I can cut the bars right there in the box! I even have a piece that sits on the top to insulate it. He thought of everything! He rocks!

Soap Mold_0004

I got some wonderful fresh lavender from our friends at Cardinal Hill Farm (another fabulous vendor at the Petersburg Farmers' Market) and made a deliciously fantastic batch!

This is what it looks like right out of the mold...

Lavender Soap

You line the box with wax paper to prevent sticking (that's the white stuff in the pic)!

Look at the lovely fresh LOCAL lavender on top!

Lavender Soap

Then, Dynamo helped me to cut it up! He's an excellent cutter!

Lavender Soap

I even experimented with coloring the whole bar purple! I think for my next batch I will layer purple and white. Doesn't it look good enough to eat?

I'm grateful for the lesson from Emily! You should check out her hubby's blog (he's a biker too)!


M Rosen said...

love the soap! I bought a soap-making book once-- looked lovingly at the beautiful photos, eagerly read the instructions, then did nothing with it. Same goes for the book on how to make bath salts,etc.Don;t know why, but I can't seem to do much! Keep up the great work!

FarmgirlDeb said...

"Sometimes I get too excited and have too many projects going."
I'm so glad that I am not the only one!