Thursday, May 16, 2013

Orange Blossom lovely!

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (24)

Another batch of Orange Blossom cut and curing!

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (1)

The colors are a little different from the last batch, but that's what's great about handmade!

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (5)

What do you think?

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (10)

It really is art because it is very hard to replicate the same pattern each time!

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (15)

That's really what makes this special. I love being able to create and make things look different each and every time!

Orange Blossom Soap - The Daily Scrub (22)

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