On Sunday we decided since we were so close to
Crabtree Falls that we would take the ride up there. We had never been before and heard so many wonderful things about it that we just had to check it out!
On the way up there we saw the biggest pumpkin patch ever! I mean EVER!
And, the most beautiful scenery on such a gorgeous sunny day!
Dynamo knew that I had been wanting to see some waterfalls for a very long time, so he tried so hard to make sure we saved Sunday to fully experience them.
We packed our lunch before we left our cabin and had a little car picnic once we arrived at the Falls. It was quite chilly this past Sunday. So, we bundled up ourselves and Charlie.
There were quite a few people out enjoying the day at the Falls. We wanted to go all the way to the top - 1.7 miles.
We arrived at the first set of falls and stopped to take some pics and take in the beauty.
Some kind person offered to take our picture, which was so nice!
Charlie was fascinated by the rushing water. Dynamo had to hold him when we got to the overlook because he wanted to get in the water and play! He would hold him up and turn him towards the water to see. He just looked amazed!
When we looked above there was waterfall after waterfall and we knew we had some hiking to do.
In several places the trail had hand rails and rock walls.
Charlie climbed like a pro leaving me in the dust! People couldn't believe the little guy was hiking like he was.
The trail did get a little tight when we had to pass other hikers! I can only imagine how busy it must have been a couple of weeks ago in peak color season.
The views were simply amazing!
We stopped at each turn to enjoy the waterfalls.
And hiked some more!
Dynamo and Charlie waited for me at the turns! I was a little scared of the height and was really worried about slipping or tripping on the rocks.
It really wasn't that bad once I got the hang of it and became a little more comfortable.
As we got closer to the top the people below got smaller and smaller. And, it got colder and the wind blew harder!
But, it didn't matter to us! We wanted to make it to the top! And, we started to be able to see more in the distance as we climbed!
Oh, the rocks!
Charlie had to stop for a drink!
At one point along the trail you could veer off through two big rocks!
And, more climbing...
I started to get a little better about picking my route through the rocks...
We saw lots of rocks piled here where people had obviously stopped to rest...
And, then we were there! Some of the water had frozen on the rocks here!
Ta da!
And, the view was far...
The selfie at the top!
I'm so glad that we made it to the top! We saw it all TOGETHER! We couldn't stay too long at the lookout since it was chilly and windy. But, it was glorious!
Then, we had to make our way back down.
Dynamo was right that going down went a lot faster than up. I was still really cautious, but it was a pretty quick hike down!
The guys made pretty quick time heading down the switchbacks and stopped here and there to wait! Charlie jumped over the rocks swerving in and out at lighting speed.
Things look a lot different when you're heading down versus up!
I just love the green slippery moss on the rocks!
Before we left we headed over to the bridge that used to be the start of the trail. I was excited that I could snap a pic without anyone standing on it!
Here's a little bit about the bridge courtesy of
Hiking Upward...
"Take note of the footbridge that crosses Tye River, a laminated arch that was shipped from New York state in one piece and installed in 1978. Until the mid 1980's the footbridge was the starting point for the hike up Crabtree Falls. Today the parking area is on the other side of the river, and the bridge now serves primarily as a decorative addition to the hike."
Well worn and loved...
Of course we had to check out the water and rocks below!
Charlie loved it!
A picture postcard!
Charlie said "no more pics, mom!"
We ended the hike with a couple of cupcakes while warming up! And, we stopped to grab some apples on our way home!
We are so blessed to have our health and one another to share these adventures together. I am so thankful for these gifts that God has given us to enjoy. I would most definitely recommend this hike. I only wish I could put all that we saw and felt into words. It's a sight to behold and well worth the trip. And, thank you, Dynamo, for taking me to this beautiful place and going with me always to explore these beautiful parts of our world. Sunday was the perfect end to our beautiful fall adventure! I love being with you ALWAYS!