We had a very emotional weekend last weekend with our best friend, and on Monday morning of this week she underwent serious surgery to remove a 2 pound tumor from her liver. I have never been so afraid in my life. There were lots of risks with performing a surgery of this nature, so we knew this was to be left in God's hands.
And...God is good!!!!! She came out of surgery and is doing very well. Here she was on Tuesday...
She is hooked up to an IV drip that administers her pain meds and has a heart monitor on. She has a VERY large incision on her underside, which I of course will not show you.
She is having a little difficulty relaxing will all of this stuff on her, but she is such a good little trooper. Each day she is improving slowly. They did give her a blood transfusion and have recently placed her on blood pressure medicine, but she is on her way to recovery....much faster than us humans would.
The doctor has been wonderful. She is so passionate about her job and her "kids" as she calls the animals. Dr. Lang loves all of the kids and treats them as if they were her own. I even told her that I would let her operate on me. People doctors could stand to take note of the docs at VRCC and their bedside manner. They could definitely learn a few things about compassion, patience, and passion for your job.
So, on Monday I came home to find a single rose in a vase. I cried immediately when I saw it. My dad had left it for me. He said it was from Lexi. He said she told him to get it for me.
Dynamo and I love our girl so much. She brings us so much joy and love. We don't deserve a dog this wonderful. We hate to see her like this. But, we know that this surgery will help her live comfortably in her senior years. Dynamo had Lexi when we met, but then I came into the picture 2 years later and it's all history after that. She's my best friend. It's like she knows what I'm thinking and feeling. She is a real joy. I only wish I could be the person my dog thinks I am. Really...that's so true!! She loves unconditionally. Not just Dynamo and I, but also my Dad. She and her Grandpa have a very special bond. They visit with one another every day. I mean every day they take a walk, have snacks, sometimes take rides, etc. They are buddies.
I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love, and support. We all appreciate them. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Animals are special gifts from God. Treasure your pets. Treat them good. They deserve love and good homes. Their little lives are too short. Cherish the moments! And, be sure to thank God for your loved ones and all of the gifts.