Well, Dynamo bought me a Canon Rebel about 9 years ago! I love this camera! It takes great pictures. I will attest to that! It's always in auto mode, though! I had no idea what to do with all of those silly buttons! That is until now! I happened upon Jennifer Griffin Warthan of Warthan Farms Photography thanks to our hairdresser! (she's Jennifer's cousin). After a few emails back and forth, I signed up for her Beginner Workshop! Dynamo has always encouraged me to learn more about my camera and this was the perfect opportunity! And, the plus was that I was supporting a local business. Her farm is only 5 minutes from my parents' house.
So...last Sunday I ventured to her Cottage right outside of the Town of Waverly. Right from the start I received a warm welcome. It was like I'd always known her! She was so friendly and personable. The class was small - about 7 of us. She brewed up sweet tea and her sweet and knowledgeable assistant made lots of delicious snacks. The environment was laid back. We all felt comfortable with one another as we grabbed our seats in her studio.
She did an excellent job of explaining the terminology and didn't rush through. She spent time making sure each and every question was answered, as well as took the time to get each different camera set up properly. Sure, the terms were slightly foreign to someone who only uses the auto button! And, I must say that it is still a work in progress for everything to click into place, but she was patient and deliberate with her talk. She allowed plenty of time for us to take notes and re-ask or re-word if necessary.
We even had models! My first efforts on manual weren't too good!
But, I learned that I didn't have the best lens to learn on! So, Dynamo got me a new lens that's supposed to be just right! What a sweetheart!
Even though the class was only 3 hours the learning still continues. I am now a part of a wonderful online closed group on Facebook that allows "photographers" to interact with one another. These are photographers of all skill levels! They post pictures, ask advice, and most importantly, encourage one another. And, since the class Jennifer has received a few emails from me with follow-up questions, which she has quickly answered. At one point she asked me a follow-up email saying, "did you get what I previously emailed you?" and proceeded to reword the explanation another way.
Recently, I posted this practice picture of Charlie in the group...
I asked for a little guidance! She didn't just leave a comment with advice, but instead Jennifer took the picture and then proceed to send me a quick screenshot on how to adjust the white balance!
It gave me a point to work from. And, I came up with this...
I think he turned out pretty good! My handsome little man!
And, I took this pic...
So, needlesstosay, I am super pleased with my experience and hope to go back for more classes once I get some practice under my belt! She's a very kind and helpful person. She wants you to succeed! Isn't that a great quality of a teacher? So, if you are thinking about finding someone to help you she's your lady! Check her out on her website and on Facebook!
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