Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday to our Steed!

Today is her 9th birthday!! Our baby is growing up and getting older and greyer! She loves her watermelon!!
She sure is determined!
Our pets bring us so much joy day in and day out, don't they? They love us unconditionally. Our Steed is our fur-child. The house is quiet when she's away, and much less exciting. She is always doing something to make us laugh and smile! Dynamo had Lexi when we met. She was almost 3 at the time. She is definitely a momma's girl now! She is with us no matter where we are in the house. When I go up to my craft room I ask her if she wants to go stampin' and here she comes. When I'm sick she's right beside me. When I'm in the bathroom, she sits on my feet (probably TMI - sorry Mom). She sees me cry. She sees me laugh. She knows when I'm ok and when I'm not. God gave us pets for a reason. I love that quote that says something like, "I wish I could be the person my dog thinks I am." Oh, so true! They are better than people. We sure can learn a lot from them. They are so forgiving! We take more from them than they ever take from us. They are the givers in this relationship, never asking for anything more than love. This is why all dogs do go to heaven.