I had a really big week last week! I went to see Dr. Kinney for my last round of puppy shots. When Mom and Dad said we were going to the doctor's I was ready to load up and ride!
They always make a big deal over me at the vet. They tell me I'm beautiful and they give me lots of hugs. Ms. Kim loves me most I think! She's always the first to grab me and love on me!
She tells me she has a Boston at home named "Buck," but I haven't met him yet! Kelly, the boxer, is getting more used to me now!
She and I played some behind the counter! Of course I acted like I owned the place. I immediately took over Kelly's big soft bed!
Kelly wasn't sure what to do with me.
I tried to be respectful of their area. After all, I was an outsider. How cool is it that they get to go to work with their parents!? Too bad I can't!
The one little white doggie with the long eyelashes was a little grumpy.
When they took me to the back, they put me on the scale and said I weighed 12 pounds or more. Really...now almost 13.
Then, came my least favorite part...checking my temperature! Dr. Webb is gentle though, but it's still no picnic!
Then, in came Dr. Kinney! My favorite! She loved on me and told me I was growing just fine! She was proud of my progress listening to my parents and not biting my mom anymore! I was a star!
Even Dr. Kinney's doggie came in to check on things!
There are dogs wandering everywhere! It's so cool to meet all these new friends! Before I left they put me behind the counter and I played some more with Kelly...
Dr. Kinney said I was ready for prime time now that all my shots were done. So, she okayed me to visit the Farmers' Market with Mom and B.B. So, on Saturday I loaded up with Mom and went to the Market. I slept quietly in my crate behind the table.
Mom took me out for a few walks where I got to socialize with others. I was so good and quiet that most of the customers didn't even know I was back there! Mom says that in time I'll be out of my crate and able to sleep in my bed behind the tables. I can't wait! It's so fun meeting new people!
Saturday afternoon Mom and Dad took me to Stony Point mall in Richmond. That mall allows dogs in all of the stores. It was so cool! There were dogs everywhere! We went in the barkery where I got two new toys and these delicious bagels.
After the mall we went to the Dominion Riverrock Festival downtown. There were thousands of people and lots of dogs. I was so well behaved. Mom and Dad were so pleased with my behavior. They said I'm well on my way to being a therapy dog! This is all good socialization and exposure for me!
It was a very busy weekend! I had a blast!
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