It's that time again! Time for the market tomorrow in Petersburg!
Have you had the chance to come by yet this season?
If not, you really should come down and support the local growers!
We love to see you!
The market is a great place to find all sorts of goodies and see old friends!
You might even make some new ones too!
Did I mention how much we love our customers? We wouldn't been here in our 7th season without you!
You have all been so faithful and supportive over the years! We are so grateful to you for that!
And, you even let us take your pictures when you don't want us to...
We appreciate you coming to visit with us each week. We love hearing where our flowers go! Whether it's for a happy occasion or a sad one, we're honored to be a part of your lives!
And, when we ventured out into new things like soap, you continued to support us! Thank you!
And, thank you for coming by just to say hi to Charlie! He looks forward to his weekly trip to the market to be the greeter!
We look forward to seeing you! We'll be at the market tomorrow beginning at 7 a.m. See you there!