Their house is in the middle of a field of 100 acres. The flowers are grown on about 1 acre behind and around their house.
The "patch" is tiny in comparison to the wheat field that surrounds it!
In the above pic you'll see lots of glads popping up.
Around most every tree and empty spot there are flowers...
Dynamo and I grow a few flowers in raised beds and around our house too! We grow zinnias, sunflowers, glads, and celosia!
Every week when it's time to get ready for the market we cut really early in the morning and then begin the process of assembling the bouquets!
My dad actually does most of the harvesting since the rest of us work full-time jobs! Yes, he works for free! And, Dynamo does too! We are so blessed to have them!
We pick the hydrangeas late after the sun goes down...
On Friday nights we come in after work to an air-conditioned garage full of flowers all separated in buckets according to their type! This makes it easier to assemble the bouquets.
After a few hours of work the bouquets are finished. They hang out in the garage cooling...
Early Saturday morning before leaving for the market, they are loaded up in the truck and off we go...
We take great care with our flowers. We deliver only the best to you, our customers. They are treated with love as we want to give you the best possible product that will last the longest.
We work hard to create a beautiful display!
You'll notice Mom's table cloths and of course we always wear matching aprons!
We like for our flowers to go straight home to you, our customers, as soon as possible. The market can be sunny and hot, so the earlier you come the better!
Market time is a fun time for everyone!
It's a time to gather as a community and see old friends and neighbors!
Yes, all of us get excited and ready for the market! Especially Charlie!
We are grateful for you, our customers, who come back week after week!
You even bring me special muffins!
And, last week an old friend of mine stopped by with her boys and her parents!
We hadn't seen each other in a long time!
Her son enjoyed the soaps!
And so did these beautiful girls...
Might I also say that those little girls would love for you to stop by and try their Dad's BBQ! Yes, their Dad is the owner of Saucy's BBQ in Petersburg! It's the best around!! At the corner of 5th and Bollingbrook Streets!
So, stop on by this week and see us at the Petersburg Farmers Market! We'd love to see you! And, thanks so much for your continued support of The Flower Patch and The Daily Scrub!
Have a safe and happy 4th!!!
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