Tuesday, November 22, 2011

more soap in the works

Lavender Soap

As a result of the positive response we got to our soap on Saturday at the Petersburg Farmers' Market, we needed to make more! This is a good thing! We sold out of the lavender and lavender/chamomile soaps! Thank you to all of you wonderful supporters who came and shopped not just with us, but with all the vendors!

Lavender Soap

So, we came right home and got to work making more lavender! I had a feeling this would be a popular scent. It really was a hit!

Lavender Soap

The lavender is upstairs curing now. We are gearing up for the Christmas Farmers' Market in Petersburg on Saturday, December 17! If you need last minute gifts or baked goods that will be the time to stop in and shop!

I can't wait to show you the newest soap creation tomorrow. It's yummy!!

1 comment:

jackie said...

Your soaps are beautiful and I know how wonderful they smell. Maybe we can trade out some goodies for soap! I am up if you are!